National Pink T-Shirt Day

February 25th was Pink T-Shirt day across Canada in support of Anti-Bullying. Many of our students wore pink to show their support! At our celebration assembly today, three junior high students read an important poem in support of standing up to bullying. Thanks to Hailey for being a leader and taking the initiative to bring this to all of ours students.
“No bullying
This is for me
my friends today
And my friends tomorrow
We think being mean stinks!
I won’t watching someone get picked on
Because I am a do something person
not a do nothing person
I care
I can help change things
I can be a leader
In our world there are no bullies allowed.
Bullying is bad
Bullying bites
Bullying bothers me
We know sticking up for someone is the right thing to do
My name is (your name)
And I won’t stand by
I will stand up.”
Read by Hailey, Alisha, Mackenzie